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To enter the content (treatment, hotel, fun) it is only required to register. After that, you`ll receive an email with a password to sign in to Cromedicor. Then you should fill in basic information about your institution or company and add content.
Health care facilities can enter a description of the institution as well as information about all treatments and doctors who perform these treatments. This feature also can be used for tourism content. For example, to show wellnes treatments on Hotel page and to add informations about restaurant and additional content in that hotel
CroMedicor platform provides you a unique presentation of each location. Created content is connected with tourist facilities located in the same city/location. In this way, you can get a complete overview of the overall supply of health tourism, which can be found in each location.
CroMedicor platform displays entire entered content (medical and travel) through interactive maps of Croatia. There is a possibility of geolocation search and filtering which provides visibility of available services!
For content promotion, Cromedicor uses social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+) and marketing for segmented customers, creates specialized sites and runs multiple campaigns. Also, entire platform content is promoted by articles published on microblog services (Twitter, Wordperss, Tumblr), placement and maintenance of Google ads through search keywords, advertising on other key portals...
Content translation is performed easily and clearly and also can be done independently. By selecting translation interface and choosing the required language, you`ll open a form for content entering where you can enter in advance translated text in the same way. For professional translation contact CroMedicor team.
All content on CroMedicor platform can be evaluated where grades are taken into consideration during the search and displaying of content results. The user must first see the results with the highest sum score, while the content without grades is in the end. In this way, the user has an overview of the best content on CroMedicor platform.