
Health & Life

Panaceo d.o.o.

PANACEO Ltd. is a medical representative for 100% natural products PANACEO based on activated zeolites.They are applied for the natural detoxification of the body, but also as supportive therapy in immune-dependent diagnoses, and in severe disease, including cancer chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Dermatology Onkology Other treatments

Polyclinic Medikol

Professionalism, ethics and the highest technology Zagreb - Split - Rijeka - Čakovec - Osijek Medikol Clinic, seated in Voćarska 106, Zagreb, 2005. and all branches is an Health institution with a renowned certificates ISO 9001:2008 and 14001:2004 for health services in all 18 activities.

Cardiology Dermatology Diagnosis Gynecology Oftalmology Onkology Orthopedics Urology
Health & Life

ThetaHealing - courses and treatments

Theta Healing resolves the underlying causes of diseases and disorders.Thus solves the symptoms. We found the causes in your subconscious mind, which consists of your genetic heritage, the experience gained through life, beliefs, trauma, promises, collective consciousness... Everyone can do it!

Cardiology Dermatology Gynecology Oftalmology Onkology Orthopedics Pediatrics Urology