Health & Life

Health & Life

Bioenergy healing

Bioenergy healing-This is a simple, non-invasive way of balancing your body's energy system to promote rapid healing.

Other treatments Biotherapy
Health & Life

Panaceo d.o.o.

PANACEO Ltd. is a medical representative for 100% natural products PANACEO based on activated zeolites.They are applied for the natural detoxification of the body, but also as supportive therapy in immune-dependent diagnoses, and in severe disease, including cancer chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Dermatology Onkology Other treatments
Health & Life

Center for Aromatherapy - Aromatea

Very professional and responsible work of aromatherapeutic, cellulite (essential oils and honey) and aromacosmetic treatments, chocolate massage, chocolate and essential oils massage, traditional medical massage and traditional medical massage with the addition of essential oils.

Wellness Massage Arometherapy
Health & Life

Natura Salt, salt rooms

Salt rooms are innovative and unique opportunity to breath healthy and to reduce and remove allergy, asthma, sinusitis, bronchitis and other breathing problems. The entire immune system is strengthened; staying in the salt room acts as a prevention for colds and flu.

Other treatments
Health & Life

ThetaHealing - courses and treatments

Theta Healing resolves the underlying causes of diseases and disorders.Thus solves the symptoms. We found the causes in your subconscious mind, which consists of your genetic heritage, the experience gained through life, beliefs, trauma, promises, collective consciousness... Everyone can do it!

Cardiology Dermatology Gynecology Oftalmology Onkology Orthopedics Pediatrics Urology
Health & Life


Ergovita incorporates a variety of techniques into a physical therapy based practice. Our main goal is to improve each person's quality of life!

Orthopedics Pediatrics Massage Arometherapy