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She obtained her master's degree on The Faculty of Science of the University of Zagreb in the field of molecular biology and earned her PhD in the field of laryngology and phoniatry on the School of Medicine in Zagreb, Croatia.
Dr. Santa Vecerina Volic has been additionally perfecting her knowledge in fields of laryngology, phoniatry and phonosurgery in eminent world centres, as a winner of a series of scholarships and awards: Charles University in Prague, the Czech Republic, the Karoline Hospital in Stockholm, Sweeden, various renowned universities in the USA (Columbia, University of California, Yale University, University of Florida, Harvard University, Mount Sinai Hospital) and medical schools in Japan.
She also participated as a lecturer at many universities and congresses. Her stay in Japan for a whole academic year – as a professor and scientist was very influential for her career.
Dr. Vecerina Volic is a member of many international and national associations, some of which she founded (Croatian Association of Audiologists and Phoniatrists, Croatian Voice Association).
She has also greatly contributed to the realization of subspecializations in fields of audiology and phoniatrics. Dr Vecerina Volic is also a member of the most eminent world association of otorhinolaryngologists - Collegium Oto-Rhino-Laryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum, the European Laryngological Society, the World Voice consortium, the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, the International Association of Phonosurgeons, a member of the Austrian Society of Otorhinolaryngology. She was a leader in several research projects, and she is a full member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Croatia. Currently, she is leading an international project on the impact of smoking on the vibratory tissue of the vocal cords.
Prof. Santa Večerina Volic was the head of the Center for phoniatrics of the University Hospital Center Zagreb for a long time, and the first woman director of the Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb. Dr. Večerina's scientific researches lead her to significant results, which are recognized by the international voice science. She has significantly contributed to the knowledge about the specific structure of the vocal cords, which serves as a base for modern diagnostics, treatment and surgery of voice and vocal cords. She developed therapeutic programs and technologies aiming at preserving and regenerating functionally the most important part of the vocal cords: elastic layer. Using the knowledge on the elastic layer of the vocal cords, she considerably contributed to the early diagnosis of vocal cords cancer. Dealing with the special area of ​​vocal cord paralysis, she is the first in Croatia to treat paralytic voice applying the method of endoscopic intervention with Teflon.
Continuing her professional and scientific interest, Vecerina Volic has contributed to the development of Croatian phoniatrics and phonosurgery. She also affirmed the Center for phoniatrics of the University Hospital Center Zagreb (KBC Zagreb), as a recognizable center in the wider international public. She founded neurolaryngology and neuro-phoniatrics and she introduced new concepts and areas to Croatia: phonotrauma, children's hoarseness, and - a very important and by then unrecognized pathology - degeneration of the vocal cords and treatment methods. She is the first in Croatia and region who initiated the treatment of the most serious forms of hoarseness with Botox, hyaluronic acid and fatty tissues.
As a result, she has been awarded a prestigious American award for her contribution to the science of voice - Pacific Voice Foundation Award.
She has published numerous papers in international and national journals; she is the co-author of scientific books and the author of the e-book on phoniatry. Dr. Vecerina Volic is also an organizer of international symposia. She participated in the establishment of CEM - Center for Expert Medicine, where she is continuing her activities, particularly in terms of development of the Center for voice, which, except providing expert diagnosis of voice and vocal cords, uses other expert teams, because sick voice is often a part of other diseases of different parts of human body.
She is applying her phonosurgical skills in the Voice Centre of the Cosmetic Surgery Clinic Dr. Toncic, where they successfully use cosmetic surgery methods for vocal cord regeneration.
Dr. Vecerina Volic established Croatian Voice Foundation, which puts Croatia next to similar reputable organizations in the world, this way raising the possibility of joint work of all voice professionals and voice experts who deal with sick and healthy voice. In addition, this enables joint work on a demanding goal – maintenance, improvement and effective treatment of voice together with the development of phonosurgery.

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