Snoring and sleepiness doesn`t act as a serious problem, but many people think that because of that you don`t need a doctor's visit. However, studies have shown that snoring is not just a social problem - snoring increases risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke and diabetes twice as frequent. In severe forms of risk increases to three. Therapeutic options - there is a very effective solution today and for assistance you should contact the dentist who will make the appropriate splint, so called SILENSOR. Unlike current treatment options are quite invasive, impractical and relatively expensive, Silensor is oral splint device and it`a acceptable to the patient because it`s small and comfortable to wear and the least invasive method of therapy. Practical experience has shown almost 100-percent effectiveness in addressing the problem of snoring and helping with sleep apnea. What causes SNORING? The upper airways resemble winding tube with a couple of narrow places that are awake because of the extended maximum muscle tension. During the sleep it comes to muscles relaxation in the body including those that maintain airway viable. In the pathogenesis of the snoring phenomenon particularly important are muscles of the soft palate and tongue. The soft palate is lowered, and tounge, especially during the sleep on the back, drop to the rear wall of the pharynx, which is really narrows the space, the air begins to flow faster, and it leads to vibration of the soft palate and its fringes and it produces sound which we call snoring. A special form, which occurs in men over 40 years, is one in which a uniform rate during periods of quiet snoring occurs from a few seconds, after which they snore very strong several times.They woke up after a few seconds stoped breathing and start to wake up and fight for air, which explains why they snore several times loudly. This condition is called apnea and it is a particularly serious health problem. EFFECTS OF SNORING To organism countered difficulties of oxygen supply due to narrowed airways to increased heart and raises blood pressure. After many years there can be these consequences such as drowsiness, poor concentration during the day, and the risks of high blood pressure, heart attacks and stroke shock.Silensor HOW DOES IT WORK? The principle of operation is such that Silensor prevents falling of the lower jaw and tongue by a slight movement of the lower jaw forward and thus keeps the airway open. Using Silensor is not excluded in cases when breathing through the nose is difficult or completely impossible, for example, because of polyps. Silensor does`t prevent mouth breathing. It is important to note that Silensor can be made for partially edentulous patients, but not with complete loss of teeth. In this case, we can not ensure proper stabilization of the prosthesis on the tray so the splint against snoring can not hold the jaw in the required position. Statistics show that at the age of 30 years 5 percent of women and 20 percent of men snore. With 60 years the percentage of both sexes is between 40 and 50 percent! Otherwise, it is estimated that the man on the back sleeps 37 percent of its "sleeping" experience and this is the worst position for a snorter. This is more pronounced in obese people and after alcohol and sedatives consuming. As we have already mentioned, the snoring is a big social problem because snoring snorters are definitely unpleasant for their environment. Some "snorter" products noise of 85 decibels - the equivalent noise of traffic. Now imagine that someone is trying to sleep with a bed on the street! It's hard, you have to admit it!
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