Gundulićeva 40
10000 Zagreb

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Aesthetic medicine , Esthetic surgery

After many years of experience in aesthetic medicine, Dr. Nick Milojević opened the successful Milo Clinic in London, enabling the eventual expansion to a sister clinic in Zagreb - Polilklinika Milojević.

The “Poliklinika Milojević” has a unique and modern approach to this fast growing field of medicine, which it  believes to be the future (and increasingly the present) of plastic surgery.

Dr. Nikola Milojević and Poliklinika Milojević, are very proud to offer cutting edge technology and techniques such as the non-surgical eye-bag removal, non–surgical face lifting and the revolutionary technology of ultrasound liposuction - VASER lipo.

POLIKLINIKA MILOJEVIĆ also offers wide range of cosmetics surgeries.


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