Vaser Lipo – Simple ultrasound Liposuction

We are proud to present you a featured offer for a new, innovative and revolutionary treatment that makes liposuction a lot easier, safer and incredibly efficient - Vaser Lipo Croatia at Polyclinic Milojevic!

Vaser Lipo is a unique advancement in technology for the treatment of liposuction which uses ultrasound of third generation and is the latest liposuction technology in the world. Standard liposuction treatments slowly go down in history as the Vaser Lipo is minimally invasive and lipo-selective thus providing more accurate results and the recovery takes only a day or two! This method enables additional body shaping so that you can get a flat stomach with a ‘six-pack’ abdominal definition in one day’s treatment!

Get the body you deserve at Harley street quality with the UK price 65% off!

Polyclinic Milojević has a special offer for all UK residents, you can perform the per- and post- operative consultations and check-ups in London and the main treatment in Croatia at almost 65% price off! The reason lies in the fact that Polyclinic Milojević is owned and lead by dr.Nikola Milojević who is also an owner and leader of its sister clinic called Milo Clinic situated in London, Harley Street.

This will save your money without compromising the quality of treatment and medical services because the treatment in Croatia is done by one of the Europe’s top plastic surgeons,ćko Budi spec.plast.

What is the price comparison for Vaser Lipo High definition?

The below comparison clearly outlines the difference between Zagreb and London clinics as it shows that Zagreb prices for treatments done by licensed plastic surgeon are up to 65% lower. It is important to emphasize that the generally stated prices that you may find in the UK are prices for treatments done by “aesthetic technicians” unlike in Croatia where treatments are done by well-known plastic surgeons.

  • Zagreb: £ 4000 – £ 6000 (treatment performed by Plastic Surgeon)
  • London: £ 7000 – £ 9000 (treatment performed by aesthetic technician), 12000 – 18000 pounds (treatment performed by Plastic Surgeon)

Below you can find detailed information about treatment, accomodation and transport options.


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Treatment — Vaser Lipo

Vaser Lipo is intended for healthy patients who are frustrated with a particular body fat cluster’s resistance to diet and regular exercise, and want a quick and painless solution. Patients who said they have never considered traditional liposuction now have a new possibility with VASER Lipo technology that can gently artistically shape the body without any unevenness.

Why is Vaser Lipo better than regular liposuction?

The older methods of liposuction and laser liposuction are rough procedures, which often leave bumps or uneven surfaces and involve lengthy recovery. It is important to emphasize that, unlike any other liposuction method, Vaser Lipo effectively tightens and soothes the skin so you do not have to worry about excess skin after the treatment.

Vaser Lipo uses ultrasound waves to break targeted fatty deposits, while preserving other tissues. This 'liposelectivity' allows us to enter the body and like a clever thief gently remove deposited fat and leave everything else intact. Ultrasonic waves of Vaser Lipo are specially designed to melt only fat cells and convert them into a fine liquid which is easily extracted from the body by suction.

What happens during the Vaser Lipo treatment?

Vaser Lipo is done only under local anaesthesia as opposed to traditional liposuction which requires full anaesthesia, and thus has a high risk of subsequent complications.

First, we fill the desired area with medical saline solution which helps anesthetize the treated area as well as narrows the blood vessels to reduce blood loss and bruising. Then a tiny transducer sends narrow frequency sound waves from which targeted fat cells break down entirely, preserving the essential structure of the remaining tissue. Finally, the melted fat is removed from the body with mild suction that very precisely aims to preserve the surrounding tissue and reduces the possibility of tissue damage. The incisions, small openings through which the fat drains away, are very small and are closed by thin stitches and scars simply disappear with time.

Body shaping – Vaser Lipo High definition?

Because the fat after treated with ultrasound is so soft, it is possible to precisely sculpt the muscles of the abdomen and hands, shape the buttocks, even the whole body if needed. This technology yields simply amazing results! It enables us to achieve a perfectly shaped body like a year of hard training in the gym and it leaves smooth skin, all that with rapid recovery. Therefore, the Vaser Lipo is impossible to compare to other methods of liposuction, as it is simply a new category of minimally invasive body sculpting. In other methods surface bumps are common, what we at Polyclinic Milojević know very well, because we often correct them!

Using removed fat for breast enlargement?

The fat removed by Vaser Lipo treatment is so clean and undamaged and is by that great for a transfer to breast or to other parts of the body such as the buttocks. This "cutting edge" procedure achieves remarkable results and is suitable for all sizes of breasts. Breast size can be defined by will but is depending on the amount of fat that is removed from the body. Fat transfer results in this way are excellent, and the breast have a very natural look and feel which is not the case with silicone implants!

How long does the Vaser Lipo treatment take?

The duration of treatment depends mostly on the number and size of the areas being treated. The minimum duration of treatment for one area is two hours, as for larger areas, like the entire abdominal area, average duration is four and a half hours.

Vaser Lipo treatment recovery time is much shorter than that of a regular liposuction and is often very normal that the patient has Vaser lipo for thighs on Friday and be perfectly able to go to work on Monday. With other standard types of liposuction this is not possible and recovery may take even longer than 2 weeks.

For how long should I expect to stay in Zagreb?

The length of your stay in Zagreb depends largely on the number of areas treated, but generally we can say that for a minor procedure it takes a minimum of 2 days stay in Zagreb. This period may be increased to one week for a more complex procedure, as Vaser Lipo for abdomen. The day after the treatment you need to come to Polyclinic for examination by doctor and for one lymph drainage which is included in the price of the treatment. For larger treatments, doctor recommends up to five lymph drainage.

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Prices listed on this site are informative and subject to change, as determined by the providers of health services and various providers of tourism services. Method of payment for the treatment as well as the final price is set after the consultations with the clinic or other service provider staff.

Shortly after you send a free request via "Send an inquiry" we will answer all your questions in order to determine detail information about the procedure, possible arrival dates, transport options, prices and payment methods.

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